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Current run of correct guesses, resets to zero if you make a wrong guess or use the reveal one letter option.
Reveal One Letter
If you need a little assistance, click this icon to reveal the letter in the currently selected box, but you will loose 50 points!
Reveal All
If you are totally stuck, click this icon to reveal all the remaining letters and start a new game.
Game History
This icon appears when you have completed a game. If you have signed up on the Xanagrams website and are logged in, Xanagrams will keep a record of your successfully completed games. A successful game is one where your score is greater than zero.
Click this icon to view your gaming history, see who are the top scores and check whether you are a star performers.
Displays the game settings so that you can choose which game format you would like to play, the number of words, which word list etc.
Click to go to the Home page.
Help - How To Play
Format 1 - Classic Xanagrams - Easy - Game starts with the first and last letter of every word, the buttons show the letters you need to find. Select a box, then a letter by clicking the appropriate button. A correct guess will score 50 points, get it wrong and you lose 15 points.
If you are stuck and need some help, click ❎ and the letter in the currently selected box will be revealed, however you will loose 50 points.
If you are really stuck and want to reveal all the remaining letters so that you can start a new game press ⏭
The more letters you find, the easier a game becomes.
Format 2 - Classic Xanagrams - Medium - As Format 1 but a little harder as you start with just the first letter of every word.
Format 3 - Classic Xanagrams - Hard - As Format 1 but a even harder as all the boxes are empty when you start.
Format 4 - Xangarams Easy Jumble - Similar to Xanagrams Format 3 but the letters appear in the boxes all jumbled up. There is a button for every letter in the word(s).
Format 5 - Xangarams Classic Jumble - This is like the original Xanagrams Jumble, the letters are all jumbled and the buttons show the whole alphabet.
Formats 6 - Xanagrams Word Hunt - Starts with the first and last letter of each word and a button for every letter in the alphabet.
Formats 7 - Xanagrams Super Word Hunt - As Xanagrams Word Hunt but you just get the first letter! This Format can be really hard.
Word Lists
You have a choice of 3 word lists
- Common easy to spell words
- Everyday words
- Long or less common words
Additional Clues
This edition includes extra clues in the form of showing the words in a different language!
Great fun, especially if you are learning one of our featured languages.
Note: Many modern French words are similar to English words so we provide two French clues options. The first has some of these similar words removed. The second, Easy French, includes words with similar spelling and is is great for those just starting to learn French.
High Score
This is your current highest score for this combination of game, word list and number of words.
High scores are stored as cookies on the device (computer / tablet / phone) you are currently using and does not reflect a higher score you might have achieved on another device.
To see your HIGH scores for this Game and Word list combination click the button below.
Show HIGH Scores
If you wish to reset the HIGH score for the current game on THIS DEVICE back to ZERO click the Reset Current HIGH Score button below:
Reset Current HIGH Score
If you want to keep a more detailed record of all your games on all devices then signup and login to the Xanagrams website.
If you would like to know about the background to Xanagrams click this link