Xanagrams Quick Guide Sample Screen Shots

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New Xanagrams game with one Word

Xanagrams - Level 1

With 3 Words and Minimum Buttons Option Selected
Screen shot of Xanagrams Level 1 with 3 words

If a wrong letter is chosen that button will be grayed out and the player will loses 15 points

The game remembers every wrong guess for each empty box
If the user tries different boxes and then comes back they will see their previous wrong guesses for that box

Screen shot of Xanagrams Level 1 after an incorrrect letter was selected

When the correct letter is chosen the next box is automatically selected
but a player can, if they wish, select any empty box
With level 1 they score 20 points for every correct guess
Screen shot of a partially completed Xanagrams Level 1 game

When all the instances of a particular letter are revealed the button for that letter will disapper
Screen shot of a partially completed Level 1 game

As more letters are found the game gets easier as there are less buttons to choose from
Screen shot of a nearly completed Level 1 game

When all the letters have been selected the score is displayed
If they get a high score they will also 'win' a teddy bear!
Screen shot of a completed Level 1 game

Xanagrams Level 2

This a little more difficult as they start with just the first letter of each word
With level 2 they score 25 points for every correct guess
New Xanagrams game with 3 words

Xanagrams Level 3 is the Hardest

They only have the buttons to indicate what the words might be!
As this level is quite a challenge they get 30 points for each correct guess
New Xanagrams game with 3 words

Xanagrams Level 2 With 7 Words and Minimum Buttons Option NOT Selected

New Xanagrams game with 7 words

Xanagrams Easy Jumble With 5 Words

Xanagrams Easy Jumble game with 5 words

Xanagrams Jumble With 5 Words

With the Qwerty style alphabet layout
Xanagrams Jumble game with 5 words

For those that fancy a change from playing regular Xanagrams there are a couple of BONUS games based on the original Xanagrams Word Hunt and Xanagrams Super Word Hunt games

Word Hunt - This is a little different

They have the first and last letters and the whole alphabet, so the buttons can't help them guess the letters
They score 45 points for each correct letter
Xanagrams Word Hunt game with 5 words

Super Word Hunt - This really is a hard game!

They just have the first letters and the whole alphabet
They score 50 points for each correct letter
Xanagrams Super Word Hunt game with 6 words

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